Company details for Smartstreets Ltd

Smartstreets Ltd

  • 0208 (Display number) 0208 742 3223/0800 328 9390
33 Grove Park Terrace
London W4 3JL United Kingdom

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About us

Smartstreets provide unique, effective solutions for tricky urban problems - cigarette litter, chewed gum litter, dog fouling and random bicycle parking.

The Smartstreets-Smartbin is a Patented bin design which clamps two bins back to back around  existing street furniture such as lamp posts and sign posts, as well as mounting onto walls, railings, plinths and other flat surfaces.

Smartstreets-Smartbins reduce clutter by retro-fitting seamlessly onto any size or shape of lamp-post or sign post.

This makes it much easier for smokers and gum chewers to locate a disposal point when they need it as lamp-posts and sign posts are consistently  spaced on street scenes in all urban areas, enabling provision of convenient, easily located networks of disposal facilities for micro litter.

Smartstreets litter solutions have been adopted by Councils across the UK, Europe and Northern America and are exporting to over 14 countries.

The product range also includes Smartstreets-Minibins (bespoke campaign soft pocket ashtrays), Smartstreets-Gumsticks  (gumboard style product for targeting gum), Smartstreets-Treadsign (pavement graphics), the Smartstreets-Cyclepark  (quick install bicycle parking facility) and Smartstreets-Smartscoops  (disposable, campaign poop scoops).

To discuss how we can help you deliver cleaner, better functioning streets call 0800 328 9390 today.

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