Company details for Springfield Business Supplies Ltd

Springfield Business Supplies Ltd

  • 0123 (Display number) 01234 328200
Werran House, Caxton Road
Elms Farm Industral Estate
Bedfordshire MK41 0YA United Kingdom

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About us

Springfield is a family owned business, which was established in 1990. During this time we have built an enviable reputation for truly world-class customer service. This has been the foundation for our growth in this time and will remain so, as we firmly believe that our customers truly deserve this.
The benefits of dealing with Springfield are:
World class customer service
All customers treated with dignity and honesty
Long established
Financial security
A true single source solution for all your office needs
Whether you are a local company looking for local heritage and knowledge or a national client looking for a true business partner, then you can take heart from the fact that the Springfield group of companies deal with over 1,000 customers - ranging from the very small through to the very large and well known blue chip companies.

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