Company details for 2 Recycling Ltd

2 Recycling Ltd

  • 0147 (Display number) 01476 577687
Unit 3 Ellesmere Business Park
Swingbridge Road
Lincolnshire NG31 7XT United Kingdom

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About us

We support British Manufacturing by assisting businesses return a higher value for their scrap metal sales. Many businesses are missing out on better returns because they either  under sell their scrap or do not have the correct storage containers for improved grade segregation.
Bespoke bins, next day - UK wide collection service, market linked prices, audit trail, Waste Transfer Notes and European Waste Codes mean that 2 Recycling Ltd is considered by many as ‘scrap metal at its most professional’
We are business to business only and are closed to the general public, therefore eliminating our exposure to any stolen metal.

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