Because we know that each one of our clients products are as different as they are, we also know that the conditions with which their products are stored in also vary.

Because of this, the adhesives we use on our labels also need to be adaptable.  The most common adhesives used within the Healthcare sector is a permanent adhesive, to ensure that the label, with vital information, remains attached to the packaging.  However, we also understand that some medicines need to be kept cool, or in some cases, frozen.  For this, we can supply your labels with a deep freeze adhesive.

There may also be occasions where your label needs to be easily removed and so we would use a peelable adhesive and we can also use a high-tack adhesive.

If you would like to find out more about the products our special adhesives can be applied to please click here.

If you have a specific requirement then please do not hesitate to Contact us.

Ditac is a world-class healthcare labelling solutions provider.

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