
Using car parks and other land into efficient, solar generation hotspots.
Turning car parks and other spaces into efficient, solar generation hotspots.

Our solar carports are shelters for your vehicles which come in many different designs, each fitted with lightweight solar panels generating free, green energy for your business.

Inside 2 Outside Ltd have integrated 3 technologies: Solar PV, battery storage and electric vehicle charge-points to make solar carports and canopies a fully integrated solution, we are also the leading small sun shade canopy suppliers UK wide.

The resulting “green” electricity generated can be used to power your factory or home, be sold to the grid, or charge electric vehicles via integral EV charge points.

A photovoltaic covered carpark from Inside2Outside can deliver immediate cash flow benefits to your business, though a number of revenue generating means. Harnessing solar electricity can slash electrical costs in a ‘self-consumption’ model, using the power of free energy to offset the electricity needs of your business. Adding electric vehicle (EV) charging ports can also create new revenue streams, bringing EV owners to your business and creating income from their charging needs.

Recent studies have shown that a covered carparking space can command an additional premium of up to £720 per bay per year on top of any existing parking fees.

Adding a fast EV charge point to that solar panel covered parking space and you could add over £65,000 per fast charge point per year to your revenue – over £1m for an UltraRapid charger (BRE Solar Carpark Guide, 2019, updated with today’s pricing).

By installing electricity storage in the form of battery banks in a ‘behind-the-meter’ configuration, free solar electricity can be used by your business as a priority before any costs are generated at the meter for your power consumption. This immediate and often significant reduction in energy costs is just one of the reasons so many businesses are turning to Inside2Outside to transform their carparks into clean, green, revenue generating solar generation hubs.

A visible installation of solar panels is an excellent advert for your green credentials. A clear and instant sign of your commitment to a cleaner environment as soon as customers or clients arrive at your place of business. By tapping into the growing demand for green energy generation and electric vehicle usage you can make an investment in your business and the environment too!

Did you know there are now over 1,000,000 electric vehicles on the UK’s roads? Estimates suggest that could grow to over 8,000,000 by 2030 (BRE Solar Carpark Guide, 2016).

Solar Carports

We design, manufacture and install a wide range of solar carports and solar technology to help improve your business or home, for more information and for many project examples you can visit our sister website at

Excess electricity generated can be used on site – significantly reducing existing costs and carbon emissions.
“Design and engineering excellence combined with great customer service is what makes the difference.”


  • Solar carports are deemed to be a capital expenditure and are generally self-financing.
  • Highly visible carbon reduction initiative – be seen to be green!
  • Increase the asset value of your business.
  • Reduce your existing electricity bills by using self-generated electricity on-site.
  • Generate significant additional income – from EV charge points and/or exporting excess electricity.
  • Reduce your corporate carbon footprint.
  • Future proof your property – the infrastructure is in place to add additional EV charge points as demand requires.
  • Increase customer footfall – customers will go where the charge points are!
  • Greatly improve customer experience – vehicles & occupants protected from the elements.


The T-Frame design has the advantage of minimum ground footprint. Vertical posts are positioned between standard 2.4m carpark bays with a typical 3 bay span. The double wing T-Frame mirrors the single wing T-Frame and features up to 6 bays spanned with only two posts. The T-Frame design is best suited to paid-for parking where the client will not accept any loss of bays and their associated revenue streams. The T-Frame is also suitable for multi-storey car park top decks as it can be fixed directly into the building columns making it a perfect solar carport for minimum ground footprint.

Solar Carport
Solar Carports Manufacturers


The V-Frame design features a lightweight and cost-effective frame with limited footprint between parking bays of 1.2m. Vertical posts are positioned between standard 2.4m carpark bays with a typical 3 bay span. Vertical posts are all less than the width of bay markings (<0.1m) and so do not interfere with carpark usage. The double V-Frame spans up to 6 bays between columns. The V-Frame design is able to deliver our lowest-cost-per watt installation where project financials are the overriding design criteria, this solar carport is perfect for those looking for a cost effective and lightweight frame.


The Portal-Frame design allows for full coverage of parking bays and isles. Maximum spans of 15.6m allow for standard bay-isle-bay spans to be covered. The TerraceSlope design is best suited to sites that require total coverage of the parking area, such as multi-story carpark rooftops or goods yards. This solar carport is perfect for those looking to gain full coverage over small to large areas.

Solar Canopy UK
Residential Solar Carport UK


TensilePV is best suited to architectural applications where new technologies and breakthrough aesthetics are the principal drivers. TensilePV offers a striking visual statement: lightweight large area coverage and organic translucent materials. The double wing cantilever mirrors the single wing cantilever and features up to 6 bays spanned with only two posts. This is the best solar carport choice for those looking for an architecturally beautiful solution that is fully comprehensive and scalable.