Control Systems

Envisage a scene where you press a button and your projection screen and projector lift lowers out of the ceiling, the projector switches on and you are ready to present. Not only would this impress your audience but no longer would you have to mess around with various remote controls. Control systems can be wall-mounted or ask us about wireless touch panels that can even be programmed onto wireless tablets.

One of the main control systems that we support is the Neets system due to its simplicity of programming and use. However, we also supply the more comprehensive Kramer, Crestron and AMX systems.

Please contact us more more information.

The Neets control system is a great way of controlling your presentation equipment, either from a keypad format or via a touch screen solution. Programmed to your specification.

What Clients Say

Bedford Hospital

The service received from the point of enquiry to post-installation was second to none. As with everything we encountered a few teething problems in getting to grips with the equipment and Vangis was the other end of the phone and guided us through with such professionalism