Company details for Dermaworks


  • 0174 (Display number) 01743 614131
Emstrey House North
Shrewsbury Shropshire SY2 6LG United Kingdom

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About us

Dermawork is an innovative British cosmeceutical company specialising in skincare and beauty enhancing products. Our aim is simple - deliver effective, high quality products and provide outstanding customer service.

Every day, millions of people search for the answers to common beauty concerns;

How do I grow longer lashes? How do I get younger looking skin? How do I get rid of age spots? How do I get rid of dark circles? What is the best product for tightening loose skin?

We may not have discovered the Holy Grail of youth and beauty but, we are very proud to offer a range of advanced and highly effective skincare and beauty products, expertly formulated to help you reclaim your youth, your radiance and your confidence.

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