Company details for FlameSafe Plumbing & Heating

FlameSafe Plumbing & Heating

  • 0794 (Display number) 07943260774
50 Birkdale, Warmley
Bristol Gloucestershire BS30 8GH United Kingdom

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About us

FlameSafe Plumbing & Heating are a Bristol based company that pride ourselves on a very high standard of work and customer care in an industry that sometimes has a poor reputation and workmanship. 

We have a reputation of providing a high standard of various works such as boiler and full central heating upgrades to boiler servicing and maintenance. We also provide bathroom upgrades and any bathroom repairs in which are required.

We value our customers very highly and will always strive to be polite, clean, tidy and professional in our manner to any customer. Our engineers are Gas Safe registered and work to the highest safety standards and regulations.

We offer free quotations to anyone interested in our services and will arrange a time and date that suits any of our customers.

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