Company details for Lang Communications Ltd

Lang Communications Ltd

  • 020 (Display number) 020 7105 6120
The Tea Warehouse
10a Lant Street
London SE1 1QR United Kingdom

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About us

Since we were founded in 1982 by legendary corporate wordsmith Joe Lang, we’ve been at the heart of the London copywriting world. Lang was one of the first agencies to write annual reports that engaged as well as informed investors. Yes, people actually wanted to read them.
Many years later, we built on the blogging trend to support senior managers looking to engage with clients on topics they felt passionately about.
Now, we’re helping clients to generate sales with ten word ads for social media. And working on high level reports exposing the true cost of financial crime or explaining the value of long-term thinking over short term gains. Along the way we have helped our clients win several hatfuls of awards.

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