Company details for Unicorn Stairlifts

Unicorn Stairlifts

  • 0800 (Display number) 0800 5879505
Aireworth Mills
Aireworth Road
Bradford West Yorkshire BD21 4DH United Kingdom

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About us

Welcome to Unicorn Stairlifts. We are an independent stairlift supplier of brand new, fully reconditioned and rental stairlifts for straight and curved staircases. We serve a large area of the UK for stairlift installation and maintenance.
Our company ethos is to offer a clear, straightforward service with no pressure sales. We are not committed to just one brand of stairlift so we can offer a solution for a variety of staircases and mobility requirements.
We carefully select which stairlifts we supply and they all offer exceptional reliability, adaptability and excellent value for money. Our selection of stairlifts include models from leading stairlift manufacturers: Acorn, Bison, Brooks, Minivator, Platinum and Stannah Stairlifts. 

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