Company details for Wilco Manufacturing Ltd

Wilco Manufacturing Ltd

  • 0121 (Display number) 0121 772 6212
Tyseley Industrial Estate
Seeleys Road, Tyseley
West Midlands B11 2LQ United Kingdom

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About us

Wilco has purposefully strived to avoid specialisation in order to offer you the widest possible choice in terms of machining technology and volume for your precision turned parts.
Wilco have consistently remained competitive by maintaining a wide variety of machinery types. This ensures that your component is manufactured on the right machine tool for the job to suit its level of complexity and volume. By carefully assessing your component for manufacture at the quotation stage and taking time to calculate an accurate cycle time, you will be sure to receive the most competitive price for your turned part without having to buy it from the other side of the world!
Some of the latest measurement technologies available, such as the Tesa Scan 50 profile measuring machine, are employed alongside more conventional projector and gauges to check your components during the machining cycle.
Advanced quality planning techniques are used to establish control plans for all your jobs progressing through the factory and ensures that PPAP packs can be meaningfully produced as supporting documentation where required.
Every time your turned part is set up for manufacture, an ISR (sample report) is independently produced by a quality technician to ensure that your component criteria are being met and samples retained during the life of the manufacturing time. Ongoing regular checks by both production and quality staff during the machining process help to ensure that you get exactly what you want and SPC can be applied, if required, for either capability checks or ongoing production control for critical items and features.
Ensuring on time delivery to our customers has evolved a number of strategies to cope with variable demand and volume from a range of industry types.
Wilco maintain a free of charge positive stock holding policy, which ensures that you can receive repeat parts even at late notice. The installation of a short order section to specifically manufacture small volumes, removes the impact of small volumes from the main operations and allows us to manufacture parts quickly. The investments that have been made in high technology, quick setup machines also contribute to the speed in which we can get finished parts to your facility.
Brief History
Founded in the 1940’s to supply aircraft components for the war effort, Wilco (previously named Midland Aeroquipment Ltd) started manufacturing small assemblies and components including door locks and control panels from a small factory unit near Walsall.
The company continued to make small capstan lathe turned parts, furnace brazing and assemblies through to the 1980s when it acquired Wilco Manufacturing Ltd, which was a larger dedicated cam auto turned parts facility supplying the local automotive industries. Production and sales continued to increase until a third satellite unit was opened in the late 1980s.
In the mid 1990s the three units combined to move to the larger newly refurbished site in Seeleys Road. Wilco Manufacturing was adopted as the umbrella name as the companies merged. The late 1990s also saw the first new CNC machines bought from Cincinatti, Mazak and Swiftlevel.
More recently since the new millennium, the company has acquired MAK (Precision Turned Parts) Ltd and Vimart Automatics Ltd. New Star Micronic sliding head CNC have been progressively added to the plant list. A new short order section has been added to cope with smaller turned part quantities, centreless grinding and barrel de-burring have been added as new processes and replacement Wickman multi-spindle machines have been installed to manufacture large volume parts.

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