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Articles 14581 to 14590 | Page 1459 of 2384

  • Industrial Poverty: Yesterday Sweden, Today Europe, Tomorrow America

    Conventional wisdom says that Europe’s crisis is a financial crisis. But is this really the case? In Industrial Poverty, economist Sven R. Larson, challenges this view and suggests instead that Europe is in a state of permanent economic decline.

  • Shoppernomics: How to Shorten and Focus the Shoppers' Routes to Purchase

    What happens from the moment the thought of a purchase occurs, to ownership, is a journey that is impacted by media, advice, packaging and now even experiencing the product or service. Many of the impact messages are way off the target - brand managers, agencies, retailers would give their eye teeth to know when to supply what message, in what order, by what means, to persuade ‘the gatekeeper to the family budget’ or the B2B buyer to part with their money as they reach the point of sale.

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