Latest news from Facelift Access Hire


20 May 2008


Facelift recently worked with offshore service company Oceanteam to help them survey a huge ‘A’ frame based on their multi-functional cable installation barge, the 92 metre CLB Explorer.

The barge is used for the laying of power cables on the seabed and also has a large cable burial plough on deck which is overboarded to the seabed to plough the cables to required depth for protection.

The ‘A’ frame serves as the launch and recovery device for the plough. Dave Burns, Equipment Superintendent from Oceanteam said ‘After the ‘A’ frame’s regular load testing was completed, Facelifts 34 metre Bronto was lifted onto the barge using a 50 tonne crane from Mammoet.

The Bronto then provided the surveyors with access to all areas of the structure which were due for inspection. Its versatile range of movements combined with its height caused a minimum amount of disruption to both crew and deck’.

Needless to say the 34 metre is one the UK most popular machines and has been used in many unusual circumstances - but after this have we really is seen it everywhere?

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