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PHS Waterlogic partners The One Foundations' ‘One’ branded Watercoolers

06 September 2010

PHS Waterlogic recently partnered with The One Foundation, the charity behind the One range of products available in retail outlets throughout the UK, to launch the One Watercooler to business and other commercial sites.

The One Foundation gives all their profits away to fund humanitarian projects in developing countries and to date has raised over £5 million and changed over 1 million lives. As Europes' largest supplier of mains fed drinking water dispensers, it seemed right that PHS Waterlogic should join together with The One Foundation to help others in the world gain access to clean, safe drinking water.

When PHS Waterlogic customers take a Totalcare service package on a One branded watercooler, they generate a donation to help fund PlayPump® water systems that provide clean, safe drinking water to villages in Africa.

The One Foundation funds PlayPump® water systems that use a specially crafted childrens' roundabout to pump water from deep underground. So, as children spin on the roundabout, fresh, clean water is pumped from a borehole into a storage tank for use by the entire community.

It’s a simple idea but one that is changing the lives of thousands of African people. Now, instead of walking for hours to collect water, children can go to school and the entire community benefits from access to fresh drinking water.

A PlayPump® provides much more than clean water. It provides a community with a sustainable resource that saves time and energy and facilitates education, hygiene and health. Plus, excess water can be used to irrigate vegetable gardens, giving communities the opportunity to grow and sell their own crops. 

PHS Waterlogic Managing Director, David Matthews;

“PHS Waterlogic are delighted to work with the One Foundation and raise funds for PlayPump® water systems. Communities in Africa will have clean, safe drinking water just like we provide for our customers.”

Founder of Global Ethics and The One Foundation, David Goose;

“In PHS Waterlogic and Davids' team, we’ve found such a committed and motivated bunch of people that I’m sure together we’re going to be changing the lives of thousands in Africa by keeping people hydrated here in the UK.”

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