Latest news from Durable 2: Glazing Health & Safety

Heat and glare for Hospitals

10 April 2008

Windows are a vital fabric in hospitals as they provide the essential daylight and vision so important to the healing process.

But they also allow about 90% of the sun’s rays to shine through. The combination of transmitted heat and glare from the sun makes it much harder to work productively.

Left: Solar control window film can make a significant difference to internal temperatures reducing the need for energy consuming cooling devices.

Transmitted heat and glare can cause serious problems. In one hour a person gives of about 8W of heat energy per square metre, similar to a computer, whereas a window representing 40% of wall space on a South facing elevation can transmit 63W of heat to a square metre of floor space. Research from the USA, albeit a bit dated and measured on adults, found that productivity reduced by 40% at 75°F compared to 68°F.

The irony is that a simple solution exists which can be installed with little disruption to ongoing activity. Modern high-technology solar control window films have better solar control properties than those available from any glass and can filter out up to 75% of transmitted glare and heat.

The one underlying nagging thought is: why do hospitals allow heat and glare to travel through glass in the first place? Why not use window film to filter this out if, as has been proven, the saving in energy consumption from not running cooling devices, will mean the application will pay for itself over time.


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