Company details for Damp Surveys Ltd

Damp Surveys Ltd

  • 0207 (Display number) 02072741278
119 Longton Avenue
London London SE26 6RF United Kingdom

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About us

Damp Surveys Ltd is an independent expert damp surveying company incorporated following development of technology to rapidly and accurately differentiate types of damp. Confidence in our equipment allows us to categorically state whether or not there is a risk of rising damp. If we are satisfied that there is minimal risk of rising damp, we can offer a warranty subject to application and conditions.
Independence is key to understanding how we operate and why we provide a unique service quite different to other companies. 
Contractors, looking for unnecessary damp work, offer  “free” surveys. We do not and never will benefit financially from any recommended treatment.
We offer a money back guarantee if we find rising damp. Call now.

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