Company details for G S S Training

G S S Training

  • 0161 (Display number) 0161 926 9510
Carrington Business Park
Manchester Road
Manchester Greater Manchester M31 4DD United Kingdom

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About us

GSS Training is one of the leading training providers in the UK, training thousands of delegates a year in-house and on-site.
We cater to all types of clients including Blue Chips, SMEs and individuals. Examples of some of the clients we train, as well as testimonials from our delegates, can be found on our homepage.
Our courses are scheduled regularly and are also created on demand for clients who require them. We frequently deliver courses all over the UK and Europe.
We pride ourselves on our flexibility and the outstanding quality of our training, as well as our friendly and welcoming trainers and staff. We strive to make your training experience as pleasant, interesting and informative as we can.

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