Company details for NES Visual Thinking

NES Visual Thinking

  • 0120 (Display number) 01206 843200
Excelsior House
Wyncolls Road
Severalls Industrial Estate
Colchester CO4 9HU United Kingdom

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External, internal and architectural… LED, fluorescent, fibre optic and neon… acrylic, vinyl, bronze, aluminium and stainless steel… Our Signage Manufacturers produce every conceivable kind of bespoke signage and graphics, as well as painstakingly produced individual letters that can be moulded, flat cut, engraved or built up.
Our starting point is that nothing is impossible – but we never make a promise that we can’t keep. Our team of signage manufacturers regularly take on and successfully deliver the jobs that others turn away.​
Our factory in Colchester has ninety thousand square feet of space with all the in-house facilities that we need: acrylic department, metalworking, spray shop, screen shop, digital print and router cutting. This means that we have the resources under our own control to be flexible and always able to respond fast.

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About us

With over 50 years’ experience in professional signage design, manufacture and installation servives, NES Visual Thinking employ a team of over 55 employees who are dedicated to exceeding the expectations of customers.  Since establishment, we have gained a reputation for our exceptional work both nationally and internationally, catering to a wide variety of industries and sectors including creative works, commercial, retail, international, food, public, shopping centres, transport, stadia/sport, education and many more.


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