Company details for Photodrones Limited

Photodrones Limited

  • 0783 (Display number) 07836585284
Unit 69, 99-109 Battersea Business Centre, Lavender Hill, London SW11 5QL, United Kingdom
London Greater London SW11 3UW United Kingdom

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About us

At Photodrones Limited, we're the original Aerial Imaging Company in the UK. With lots of experience and top-notch safety measures, we can fly all kinds of cameras, from Hasselblads to Phantom High-Speed ones. Our pilots are approved by FAA & CAA and we have full insurance coverage. We've flown over 2000 hours without accidents and worked in 30 countries. We offer services like Drone Photography, Aerial Photography, Drone Filming, Drone Aerial Photo Visualization, and Commercial Drone Photography.

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