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VIBE breakthrough

18 August 2008

Exciting discovery how VIBE can enhance human health.

The Eniva Research Group has released results from laboratory testing by the world-famous Linus Pauling
Institute, CCP CORE Facility at Oregon State
University which demonstrated the Eniva Health
Supplement VIBE® (2.0) possessed DNA protective
anti-mutagenic activity for human cells. This
third party testing was performed as part of an
ongoing investigative effort to further identify
mechanisms by which the Eniva VIBE nutraceutical
impacts human health.

Chief Scientific Officer for Eniva Corporation,
Dr. Benjamin Baechler, stated, “While these
results are tremendously exciting and give us
insight into one of the mechanisms of action of
the VIBE nutraceutical, we must be careful not to
generalize these results beyond the study findings.
What we can say for certain is these results
further demonstrate the ability of the VIBE
nutraceutical to help support healthy and normal
functioning of human cells, even under very
stressful physiologic situations.”

The research design consisted of culturing human cells with and without the VIBE nutraceutical and then exposing these human cells to a well known DNA mutagen–ultraviolet radiation.

After a period of time, the human skin cells were
then obtained and examined for specific damage
to their DNA. Results were compared between
the human cells supported by VIBE in their
growth medium and those without it. The results demonstrated an extremely statistically significant decrease in DNA damage in those human cells which were supported with the VIBE nutraceutical.

The exact laboratory technique used was the Comet assay, otherwise known as Single-Cell Gel Electrophoresis (SCGE), which is a very sensitive and well known peer accepted laboratory method for assessing damage to
cellular DNA. The COMET assay is widely
used to assess DNA damage in cancer research,
environmental toxicology and radiation biology.
After mutagen exposure, cells are embedded
in agarose gel on a microscope slide, lysed,
electrophoresed, and then stained with fluorescent
DNA binding dye. Damaged DNA migrates
during the process, forming a shape often
described as a “comet.” The specific pattern is
then automatically quantified through laser
assisted computer analysis. Through specific
algorithms, DNA damage can then be quantified
and trends evaluated.

These results are part of an intensive initiative
by the Eniva Corporation to further explore the
mechanism of action behind their nutraceutical
products. Chairman of Eniva Corporation,
Andrew Baechler, commented, “This result
further identifies and separates Eniva as a leader
in providing science-based dietary solutions.

We are very enthusiastic about the findings and are
very grateful to the Linus Pauling Institute.”
Eniva Corporation is a manufacturer and global
marketer of high quality, science-based dietary
supplements known as nutraceuticals. It carries a
product line of over 75 wellness products, ranging
from cardiovascular to general health and
wellness. The corporation recently celebrated its
tenth year anniversary at its world headquarters
in Anoka, Minnesota.

Research study references on file, Eniva USA, 2008.

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