Company details for Zeus PR Agency (Planet Zeus Ltd)

Zeus PR Agency (Planet Zeus Ltd)

  • 0126 (Display number) 01260 275372
24 Mill Green
Cheshire CW12 1JG United Kingdom

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About us

Passionate about building our client’s revenue, we have extensive expertise in devising and managing highly successful and cost-effective PR campaigns for consumer brands and b2b companies of all sizes.
Through developing intelligent and creative headline grabbing media campaigns and feature placement, together with influencer outreach, we propel our clients into the limelight. Substantial media coverage generation, weighty influencer campaigns and valuable editorial link creation are our forte.
We forge powerful brand alliances on behalf of the companies we represent. We run engaging content rich social media campaigns and create great memorable events. And should you be unfortunately faced with the need for a comprehensive damage limitation programme, we are here for you too.


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