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  • Improving IT Rack Airflow Management

    Improving Airflow Management within Data Centres & Server Rooms is vital to optimising cooling systems’ performance, improving energy efficiency, and reducing cost.

  • Entrance Mats enhance first impressions

    Whatever the business premises people walk into, first impressions count. Sometimes all the effort goes into reception areas and the feel people will receive once they’re inside, but many companies overlook what’s underfoot at the entrance. A Logo Mat from MatsDirect UK provides multiple benefits. Company Logo Mats present the brand image. Alternatively you could also create something fun and whimsical or include a little quote. Even just a simple “Welcome” makes people feel appreciated.

  • Cricket builds a Community

    We know that sport has the power to promote positive social change and the cultural impact of cricket is significant in its ability to transcend ethnic boundaries.

  • QC explains the types of Commercial Flooring

    The flooring for your commercial premises can be a costly investment. Any business needs investment to last and so it is important to consider what type of flooring is correct for your particular application. Your budget may also be an important factor.

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