Company details for Brillbird UK Luxury Nail Design

Brillbird UK Luxury Nail Design

  • 0189 (Display number) 01892 660115
24 Laddon Mead
Bristol Gloucestershire BS37 7NG United Kingdom

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About us

Brillbird UK are international Luxury nail brand renowned for supplying extremely high quality, highly fashionable and sophisticated nail products.

It is the most exciting task to create harmony between fashion and style, they seem so similar, yet they are truly different: fashion is dynamic, fast-paced, changing at least every six month, style is constant and is independent of the fast changing world of fashion. Style also renews itself in certain aspects and details, yet it always retains the unique and essential part of its character. BrillBird changes together with fashion: there are always new colors, new techniques and new developments, but in the meantime it has its own unique style independent of the whims of fashion, that is a safe anchor amidst the storm of changes: the BrillBird style is elegance.

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Brillbird UK Luxury Nail Design

Brilliant products, delivery time leaves alot to be desired, can take weeks for delivery of even most basic essentials.


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