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Intelligent Salon Software Ltd

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intelligent salon software ltd 001
Lonsdale Gate, Lonsdale Gardens, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN1 1NU, United Kingdom

Intelligent Salon Software Ltd offers Salon-iQ, the most advanced version of salon software, to proprietors of salons. Our global reputation stems from our ability to assist hair and beauty establishments in their expansion endeavours by enhancing customer service and drawing in new clientele. Our software encompasses a comprehensive array of tools necessary for business enhancement and growth. Among its numerous captivating features are appointment management, online booking, marketing solutions, inventory supervision, and much more. Reach out to us at 01892 280 123 today to arrange a complimentary demonstration.

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The Approved Business review system is based on honesty and impartiality. These reviews are written and submitted by real people, which we believe will help businesses and customers to buy with confidence from the reviewed company.

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Having decided to move our salon software provider after being with our old provider for 13 years I really was dreading the move and the work involved for us all at the salon.Well we are now 3 weeks in and whilst at times things were difficult all in all it has been relatively smooth after being guided by Paul and the support team. When needed Paul has always been on hand and on occasions when I have had an emergency he has always responded.I can honestly say that the process has been well managed and supported by Paul and SalonIQ and has not resulted in the level of disruption I anticipated. I am looking forward to fully utilising all the benefits that the new platform brings our business.Many thanks.
