Company details for Absolute PR & Marketing

Absolute PR & Marketing

  • 0139 (Display number) 01392 680740
Unit 10
Dunchideock Barton
Exeter Devon EX2 9UA United Kingdom

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About us

Absolute is a PR and marketing communications agency known for strategic, creative campaigns that target businesses and consumers in the westcountry and all over the UK.

Looking to raise your profile? Give sales and enquiries a boost? Grow your business? Manage your reputation? Launch a new product or service?

We’ve worked in a variety of different industries including property, food and drink, travel and tourism, professional services, veterinary, engineering, retail, renewable energy, waste management, recycling and the thrid sector.

Whatever the sector, our high impact campaigns add real value to our clients' businesses. Talk to us about how we can help you meet your business objectives.  

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