13 August 2012 | Gate Control Gear Ltd

Gate Control Gear introduce a new gate closer to their range

Specialists in pedestrian gate closers, Gate Control Gear, have introduced another gate closer to their range.

Managing director Kelvin Leason said; “This gate closer has been developed for those applications where there is a need to specify gate closers that have the flexibility to operate with both in-line and offset hinge arrangements, can be mounted on large section posts (100mm sq), can be adjusted to close fast or slow, and the closing pressure can be reduced to allow the gate to open easily.”  Gate Control Gear introduced the Easy Plus pedestrian gate closer to meet these more challenging requirements that sometimes are placed upon those specifying gate closers. 

The Easy Plus pedestrian gate closer is suitable for situations where pedestrian gates are required to close quietly, or where the gate is required to close quickly to avoid tailgating.  They are simple to retrofit, will work with both in-line and offset gate hinge arrangements and provide precise hydraulically controlled adjustment of the gate’s closing speed.  Additionally, there is the facility to reduce the gate closer’s pressure to make it easier to open a gate.

Each closer is supplied with brackets and bracket pins.  The installer only has to supply suitable fasteners for metal, timber or vinyl gates.

Help with specifying and installation queries is available directly from Gate Control Gear.  Call 01634 819651 or email solutions@gatecontrlgear.com