Up & Over (Retractable) Garage Door

18 September 2012 | The Garage Door Superstore

Why Choose a Roller Garage Door?

As space is becoming less of a luxury in recent years it’s no wonder roller garage doors have had an increase in popularity.

As space is becoming less of a luxury in recent years it’s no wonder roller garage doors have had an increase in popularity. With new builds designed with little to no outdoor space people are being frugal about their garages and drive ways like never before. Roller garage doors are the answer to a lot of problems when it comes to storage and access.

Roller garage doors can be designed to fit any shape or size of garage. They are adaptable and you can get them in many different colours, materials and finishes. They don’t take up any internal garage space and they can be installed inside, in-between or in front of a garage opening. They are the tidiest, most compact style of garage door available. The main advantage to a roller garage door is you’ll have more space and better security than other designs. The added bonuses are that they can be designed in numerous variations, can be insulated and are low maintenance. They can also be installed with an electric mechanical operator for remote access.

So how do they work? The design of a roller garage door is to roll up the doorway vertically. They are made out of strips of strong, secure, lightweight materials such as aluminium with a large selection of finishes such as wood, paints and laminates. They are quiet during operation and are diverse enough to easily blend in, complimenting your property. At the top of the garage the door will rotate round into a neat roll on the ceiling of the garage minimising the amount to space used. Perhaps considered the neatest style of garage door available you can choose to have the rolled door covered for extra tidiness within the garage. Most people use their garage to store their cars, DIY tools, bikes and for general storage.

If you have a lot of gear in your garage and have filled your space from top to bottom then you’ll find a roller garage door most useful. If you have a short driveway roller garage doors allow for you to still have access to the garage even when you are parked right up against the door. Unlike up & over designs it’s doubtful you’ll damage your car or property with a roller garage door. With roller doors you have a higher level of security in comparison to other types of garage doors. Thanks to its sturdy and secure design a roller garage door features minimal weak points. They are a very tough barrier against unwanted intruders and will protect against knocks and bumps. 

Insulating is an important factor to consider if you wish to cut down household bills from heat loss. If your garage is attached to your home and you use it as an extra room for appliances like the washing machine, dryer and freezer, insulating is a factor you should look at. Luckily most garage roller doors are available insulated. With roller garage doors being one of the most diverse styles available offering a space saving solution with a high level of security what have you got to loose installing one?

This article has been written by Garage Door Superstore, the UK’s number one supplier of garage doors including roller garage doors.