19 February 2014 | Thermilate Roof & Wall Coatings Ltd

Thermilate TRADE Paint − new insulating, decorative paints for professionals

Thermilate TRADE is a new, water-based range of decorative, insulating paints for both interior and exterior use. They help your customers reduce wasted heat lost through walls and ceilings, save on their heating costs, and provide greater comfort and efficiency in any residential or commercial property.

These quality paints are applied in just the same way as conventional paints and help cash-conscious companies, government departments and homeowners alike save energy and money off their energy bills.

Thermilate TRADE paints offer a unique level of decorative insulation in a very cost-effective and easy-to-use paint range. These paints support the energy efficiency requirements in the Building Regulations 2010, Part L Conservation of Fuel and Power by reducing:

• wasted heat loss through walls and ceilings in winter by up to 25%
• daily running time on heating systems by up to 25%
• heat gain in dwellings in summer by up to 25%
• daily running time on cooling systems by up to 25%
• annual CO² emissions PLUS Thermilate TRADE paints:
• are breathable so eliminate mould and condensation problems
• are recognized as energy-saving liquid insulation in the UK so are eligible for the reduced VAT rate of 5% giving an overall cost saving of 15% over any other paint application in the UK. This advantage makes using TRADE products FREE.

Contractors can use Thermilate TRADE paint and benefit from this overall cost saving of 15% on the entire job including labour costs. The end cost to the customer is 15% less - or the same but with a 15% saving to the contractor. The paint then saves the customer energy on an ongoing basis.

Thermilate TRADE paints, used on both new build and retro projects enable rooms to heat up much more quickly and retain heat for longer. Programmable thermostats can be set to turn on an hour later and shut off an hour earlier than is possible without Thermilate TRADE paint and its breathability also eliminates problems with severe mould and condensation. And there’s more …. Thermilate TRADE is scientifically proven to work and helps keep rooms warmer by as much as 3°C. This allows the thermostat to be set at a lower temperature and for less time so reduces energy usage and the cost of heating in any residential or commercial application. Every degree reduction on the heating thermostat translates to roughly a 10% drop in heating costs.

Thermilate TRADE works by wrapping the room in a protective layer of paint that prevents heat escaping through walls, floors and ceilings. With just two coats, Thermilate TRADE provides durable, effective and sustainable decorative insulation that has been tested around the world.