20 February 2014 | Vortice Ltd

Vortice Exhibits at Mostra Covegno in March

European ventilation market leader Vortice will be showing at Mostra Covengo from 18-21 March 2014 at the Fiera Milano Exhibition Centre in Rho, Milan.

The company will be unveiling several new products including additions to their family of heat recovery systems. 

The HR250 Prana is designed to ventilate a three bedroomed house, which may have a kitchen, bathroom, en-suite and a WC and utility room downstairs.  The HR350 Avel is designed for a large family house, which would perhaps have a kitchen plus seven wet rooms.  These two new heat recovery units, together with the HR200, Prometeo and HR Invisible, bring to five the number of heat recovery systems offered by Vortice.

On the exhibition stand will also be the new twin fans and acoustic fans launched by Vortice this year.  The new range of twin fans and acoustic box fans are designed to run so quietly that they are ideal for use in applications like museums and libraries.

General Manager Kevin Hippey commented: “We’re looking forward to demonstrating the advances we have made both in heat recovery systems and in twin and acoustic fans at Mostra Covegno.  Vortice is now the obvious choice for heat recovery as we have a range which covers all areas of the market.”

Vortice has focussed on energy efficient ventilation systems for many years and supplies extractor fans, air handling units and heat recovery systems worldwide.  For more information visit www.vortice.ltd.uk

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