23 April 2009 | Condair Limited

Accreditation first for JS Humidifiers

Humidification specialist JS Humidifiers have achieved OHSAS 18001 status in a British Standard first for the industry.

The Occupational Health and Safety Standard covers all elements of health & safety within the company, ensuring that Safety at Work legislation is fully implemented.

JS Managing Director Steve Verney said, “We are very proud to add the new Health & Safety OHSAS 18001 standard to our existing accreditations for ISO9001 Quality Standard, ISO14001 Environmental Standard and Investors in People. It demonstrates to our customers that JS Humidifiers is committed to the highest possible working practises.”

To gain OHSAS 18001, JS’ health and safety procedures were independently verified to ensure they exceeded legislative UK and European standards. OHSAS 18001 has become one of the most widely recognised standards in the world and was adopted as a British Standard last year allowing it to be formally assessed and certified in the UK.

JS Humidifiers is the UKs’ largest humidification company with the widest range of products and offers advice, design, supply, installation and maintenance services. It also offers a comprehensive range of humidifier spares, not only for JS equipment but also for a large range of different manufacturers’ humidifiers, mostly available ex-stock.