26 May 2009 | Environ Skin Care

Environ launch Retail Success for Scottish college students

The beauty, spa and holistic therapies section at Coatbridge College in Lanarkshire hosted the event, with the assistance of Environs'' trainer Joanne Macmillan, to give students invaluable practical experience. Three rooms were individually dedicated to consultations, facials and retail.

Joanne had trained four groups of HND Beauty Therapy and Holistic Therapy Diploma students during week long intensive courses between January and April. She gave extra event planning guidance and encouraged the students to develop and issue invitations to the colleges'' client database.

“The students discovered that selling was easier than they imagined,” said Joanne, who also gave a 20 minute skin science talk to guests. “With takings of more than £800 on the night, they proved they have the skills to carry out effective, educational consultations based on what they had learned. Profitable retailing will be an important part of their jobs when they graduate.”

Senior Lecturer Eileen Waugh commented that she had been looking for a contemporary, exclusive product range to help introduce students to retailing activities and improve their confidence in client consultation and treatment needs.

“Environ gave us a whole package that can be utilised as a learning tool, which provides staff and students with enhanced treatment skills. Although the products are simple to use, they have advanced treatment properties which has helped to enhance the students’ product knowledge. Joannes'' in-depth training and support has undoubtedly supplied our students with enhanced employability skills. The feedback from students, staff and clients has been extremely positive.”

The Environ education programme for colleges is managed by the International Institute for Anti-Ageing (IIAA).

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