05 March 2021 | Colin Lillicrap Associates Ltd
Approaching deadline for Streamline Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR)
The new SECR legislation requires qualifying large companies to report their total energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in the Directors’ report. Companies with financial year from April to March will soon need to lodge their accounts for the year to March 2020 or later. We can quickly process their data to enable them to lodge a compliant directors’ report before the approaching deadline.
The streamline Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) legislation came into force on 1 April 2019 requiring qualifying large companies to report their total energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions as part of the directors’ report.Companies with financial year April 2019 to March 2020 will shortly be required to lodge their accounts at Companies House. Colin Lillicrap Associates has developed a reporting template to quickly process the company’s energy data and provide the following mandatory information required for the directors’ report:
• UK energy use to include electricity, gas and transport
• Associated greenhouse gas emissions
• At least one intensity ratio • Previous year’s energy use and GHG emissions (except in first year) • Information about energy efficiency measures taken during the financial year
• Methodologies used in the calculation of disclosures During the coronavirus lockdown we can process your data remotely in time to meet the approaching reporting deadline.
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