06 October 2011 | Pearl Scan Solutions Ltd
Document Scanning or Document Storage - What Would Benefit My Business More?
As the marketing manager for a document scanning company, this is a question that is asked quite a lot I''ve found.
Businesses across the world are looking into aspect and crevice of how their business works in order to find out the best ways that they can operate at as little cost as possible.Document scanning has recently become a significant player in the world of storing documents and making them easy to access and many are starting to question their storing of documents and the way that they are stored.
So what would be best for your business? Well as the marketing manager for a scanning company you''d think that I would immediately say document scanning, but it''s simply not always the case. In the majority of cases, document scanning is the superior choice for a lot of different reasons, but there are occassions when you''d be best storing your own documents.
These are usually if you have very few documents or a lower number of documents that you access on a regular basis, as it could be potentially overkill to have a smaller number of documents scanned to find that you don''t actually use them often enough to truly benefit from the scanning service.
For just about everyone else, document scanning is the best option purely because it provides so many benefits and so little downsides. Document scanning and digital document management allows you to have quick access to your files, virtually instantly, whilst still allowing them to be fully functional and, in most cases, even more so.
You can duplicate the files, email them to colleagues or clients, print them, share them over your local network whilst still retaining the readability and useability of the original document itself. Because of a number of different techniques such as OCR and indexing, it''s easier than ever for documents to be searchable by keywords or titles. OCR, or optical character recognition, is a service that document scanning companies provide to make a physical document, once scanned, into a completely text searchable file by the software scanning the wording found on the paper and detecting letters and characters and therefore making the file readable to computers.
Indexing is, putting it simply, naming the file itself, but in a slightly more complicated way than usual. A document can be indexed by pretty much any field type on a particular document. This can be by client name, address, reference number and anything else that would make finding your files easier for you.
Digital document management via document scanning also allows you to dispose of the paper-based files which means that you can save some considerable space, whether it''s in drawers, filing cabinets or cupboards, plus if you''re a company that stores files with a document storage company, with the retreival costs and monthly fees that come with it, document scanning and going digital is going to be of even more benefit to you, saving money on a month-by-month basis.
There are also, of course, environmental effects that come with, effectively, becoming paperless. Using less paper would benefit wildlife throughout the world and you wouldn''t be using as much ink which is one of the hardest elements to recycle in the world.
Pretty much any company can benefit from document scanning, not just in a monetary way, but also in an efficiecy sense too as files and folders will become easier to find and process which means more will be done in the regular working day.
The benefits of document scanning compared to standard document storage are considerable. The evidence is there for all to see, you just have to take the dive and see the benefits for yourself.
If you''d like to know more about document scanning and digital document management for your business, check out Pearl Scan''s document scanning website. It''s full of useful information on the subject or please give us a call on 0845 22 55 923 to find out more.