Commemorative notice board in oak

08 December 2011 | Greenbarnes Ltd

Commemorate the Jubilee with Style and Quality

An item on how town & parish councils, civic societies etc might choose to mark next year''s Jubilee.

The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee isn’t just a national holiday. Such events have always been a time for people to come together and celebrate.

This tradition presents local communities with an excellent opportunity to create local commemorative projects and strengthen their sense of time and place. At one level this can take the form of something ephemeral such as a street party or carnival parade, and in today’s climate of seemingly unremitting gloom, who can deny that there is something to be said for capitalising on the opportunity for a little fun? On the other hand, such events have also historically given rise to a host of more permanent projects to establish community assets of lasting use, ranging from the planting of a single commemorative tree or something as far-reaching as the 471 King George’s Playing Fields that were established across the UK following the death of George V in 1936.
In 2002 Greenbarnes was proud to be part of this tradition, celebrating the Queen’s Golden Jubilee and helping local organisations mark the event for posterity and in 2012 we are poised to mark the Diamond Jubilee similarly. With the attention of towns and parishes across the UK turning to the question of how best to mark the event, now is the time to give serious consideration to those more tangible projects which will offer lasting benefit.

Given the current mantra of austerity it also makes to use funds dedicated to the event for end which have a permanent benefit. Whether you are looking for a new notice board complete with commemorative panel, interpretation signage for a new open space, a display cabinet for precious artefacts or a simple plaque, 25 years of craftsmanship, innovation and dedication to high standards means that we deliver the quality that your community deserves.

Ring our sales team now on 01280 701093 to discuss your Jubilee project, or email our Sales Department,, for sound advice and no-obligation quotations.