Company details for:
Darcey Quigley & Co
3L International House,
Stanley Boulevard,
Hamilton Technology Park,
Glasgow ,
G72 0BN,
United Kingdom
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Commercial Debt Recovery UK

Commercial Debt Recovery International

Pre-Litigation Services
About us
Our Services…
- Commercial Debt Recovery UK
- Commercial Debt Recovery International
- Pre-Litigation Services
Darcey Quigley & Co have grown into a highly reputable company who consistently deliver excellent results for our clients while protecting their brand. Our key to success is communication through a consistent telephone strategy, contacting the debtor regularly and working with both parties to recover funds owed and arrange settlement on the case.
All cases are actioned with 1 hour of instruction and communication with your debtor begins during that hour. Lengthy Court proceedings will be avoided and we will provide a progress report within 48 hours and keep you updated throughout the case.
Darcey Quigley’s team of dedicated Credit Management Consultants have a wealth of experience in credit management and debt resolution. They fully understand the effects late payers can have on a business and will provide support to you throughout your case. All costs are agreed upfront and are only payable on successful recovery of the overdue funds.
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