Company details for:
Forvac Services Ltd
Unit F7 & F8,
Foxhills Ind Est,
Mercia Way,
North Lincolnshire,
DN15 8RE,
United Kingdom
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About us
Forvac supply new and refurbished vacuums, pipework & electrical installations and hire machines. Whether you need portable, fixed or, a central vacuum system, Forvac has the expertise with full service and design capabilities, ensuring our innovations are backed up with complete support. Serving many clients and industries across the UK and Europe, Forvac Services are the perfect partner to satisfy your cleaning requirements, no matter how big or small your application, designing, manufacturing and installing industrial cleaning equipment is in our DNA, we are sure to have the solution to all your cleaning demands. Including sand, cement, wood, concrete, wet & dry powders, grain, foodstuffs and any waste dusts. Available in portable vacuums, diesel vacuums, hopper or tipping skip mounted. HEPA retrofits to your existing machines like disab, nilfisk, CFM, BVC, any machine can be fitted with a HEPA filter and installed by Forvac Services Ltd