Company details for:

KK Balers Ltd


Victory House,
Victory Park Road,
KT15 2AX,
United Kingdom

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About us

Welcome to KK Balers, Commercial Waste Handling Equipment. For more than 40 years, KK Balers have built a reputation as one of Europe’s leading manufacturers and suppliers of waste handling equipment. We specialise in providing new equipment as well as fully refurbished stock. We also have an extensive range of machines for hire. Our superior line, probably the largest in the UK, consists of balers, compactors, drum presses, bag and in-bin compactors, briquetting presses (ideal for polystyrene waste), food recycling equipment, can and glass crushers. We also supply consumables such as baling tape/twine, wire and plastic sacks as well as shredders and waste containers.
KK Balers Ltd Website

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