Company details for A & R Direct (uk) Ltd

A & R Direct (uk) Ltd

  • 0142 (Display number) 01428 684787
Petworth Road
Godalming Surrey GU8 5LU United Kingdom

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About us

As a Specialist Sourcing Company we have thousands of items available for use in promotions or as business gifts but sometimes even this is not enough. Where this is the case we are able to create a bespoke item to fulfill your brief.

In the past we have created specially shaped radios, business card holders, pastry cutters and open hours signs all within a set budget and fulfilling a specific brief.

This process does require planning and should not be rushed, as there are many extra factors to take into consideration such as the creation of moulds and final testing to the required standard to check that the item meets with the relevant safety standards.

A problem shared is a problem solved. We are able to use our creative skills and knowledge of the promotional market place to solve many of the headaches often associated with this area of marketing.

Allowing us to quickly identify what options there are available to resolve a particular problem and get the job underway in a quick and efficient manner.

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