21 November 2013 | Wall to Wall Communications Ltd
Movember - Not Just For Boys!!!
It''s that time of year again!
Well we always knew that girls can do things better than boys and here at Wall to Wall Radio Communications we can prove it!When we set the girls a challenge they whole heartedly agreed not to shave for the month of November in aid of charity and this is the result so far.
But we want to go one step further, please visit our Face Book page, follow us on Twitter, view our Linkedin page or leave a review on our Web Site and we will donate an extra £1.00 for every hit. (Hyperlink all the media sites I''ve mentioned above)
And for every review you leave on our web site our CEO will personally match £ for £
So come on guys show your support, get liking and let your rep, account manager or any one of our GEM''s know when it''s done.
And just think what those moustaches will look like by the end of the month - pop back beginning of December for the final reveal,,,,,,,