Planning the archiving process for the digital transition from paper

31 March 2022 | Archive Document Scanning Ltd

Planning the archiving process for the digital transition from paper

If your organisation has a large number of archive boxes located across the country on multiple sites then you’re probably wondering how you can bring all this boxed up information together in such a way as to make it instantly accessible. And, of course, ADS has the answer with document digitisation!

A good place to start is to understand what you have stored at each site and the relative importance of each box. By this we mean that archive records tend to range from enquiry sheets, sales order processing, despatch and international, legal agreements, HR files, customer files, general administration and so on. Which would you consider be the most important within your organisation?

Conducting a quick audit of your storage sites would be a good first step to understand this. Start with identifying the broad content, categorise, number and use colour code labels on boxes to signify importance. Whilst you are doing this create a log to track the box numbers, colour coded by importance, bay/shelf location. A little time spent on this can give major dividends because when you do decide to implement a digital archiving strategy it is important to be able to prioritise how this is done. The log you have created will show you and your colleagues which archives are business critical and those which are not! Archive and Document Scanning Ltd can assist you with this audit process and provide storage, digital scanning and secure destruction. You’ll be amazed at how much office and storage space you will have liberated that can be used in a far more productive way.