23 February 2010 | Pearl Scan Solutions Ltd

London offices digitising Microfilm and Microfiche

The countrys'' capital city organisations are finally getting round to digitising the archived microfilms and microfiche records which they have been storing, in some cases, for decades.

Pearl Scan Solutions have recently noticed a sharp increase in the number of enquiries for scanning microfilm reels and microfiche slides, usually containing historical documents that were converted into this film format - a popular storage method 20-30 years ago.

Whether the surge in enquiries is related to the governments' recent clamp down on data security and records management could be a strong possibility especially as it is always heard the loudest in the surrounding districts of parliament. Also the number of businesses that have been losing hard copy data in small disasters or from general wear and tear over the past few years seems to be ominously growing.

In most cases the offices looking to carry this out will have cabinets full of films or fiche slides and will need them digitised to a PDF format so they can search through the records over their network. As most offices are aware of the time and inconvenience involved in retrieving a record from amongst these they are also realising the exercise as a return on investment.

Having dealt with projects ranging from the scanning and digitising of a couple of microfiche/microfilms through to hundreds of thousands of these records there is a lot of experience present when carrying out this service. With the main office in Manchester and another office just outside London, Pearl Scan is a geographical convenience for those searching in and around the London area for microfiche scanning, microfilm scanning and aperture card scanning.

Hopefully many more companies realise the benefits and start to look after their data electronically for the long term in the safest way possible.