08 June 2011 | Pearl Scan Solutions Ltd
Is the End Night for Paper In Business?
With an increasing reliability on computers and other electronic technology, more people than ever are choosing not to buy newspapers and are instead relying on online resources for their daily fix of news, sport and gossip.
So is paper really dying out on a large scale, and what could this mean for the way paper is integrated within other aspects of life such as business?Last year CNet news conducted a poll with 2,000 adults online to find out if they would pay for online news. 77% said no.
This is bad news for the newspaper industry, particularly those who add their content onto the web with no restrictions such as The Sun. The likes of the News Of The World have come up with a pay scheme to access their content, but I can''t image there are many biting, especially if CNet''s poll is accurate amongst the people that read British tabloids.
The simple fact is that people like the feel of a newspaper in their hand if they want to read it and they will gladly pay for that right, but online there is a certain atmosphere of freedom of speech and not having boundaries, hence why the vast majority of people would not pay for online news, especially when if their favourite newspaper decided to make paid subscriptions, they could always just hop over to the BBC News website of Sky News site, to catch up with the latest headlines.
There is also a vast increase in software which allows you to view the latest stories online using RSS feeds, such as one that I have recently started using called Pulp for Mac.
This type of software basically takes the content that you choose to view and would like to read and give an in software newspaper experience, with a simplistic interface. Yet another reason for people to no longer buy a physical newspaper.
As a document scanning company, you might think this would effect a company like ours in a big and negative way, but it''s quite the opposite. We are seeing many people calling us and emailing us who are finding that life without paper isn''t actually all that bad and if anything, makes life considerably easier.
From this, they are expanding their need for less clutter and more organisation, by talking to us about making their office more uncluttered and to give them systems that work better and that would help the company in their achievements and for forward progress.
The world is changing and as businesses we have to change with them, ourself included. We accept this need because it''s been coming for quite some time, it''s just that only now the majority of the world is seeing the serious aspects of it.
A ridiculous amount of paper is wasted every year and is not being adequately replaced which is leading to environmental problems as well as reduced paper availability in some corners of the world.
But, above all, we are changing as people. Everything is becoming smaller, easier to use, easier to work with, quicker to access and the business world is no longer deciding to stand still.
We''re sure there''ll always be paper around for many. Some people just like the feel of something physical in their hand, it''s almost suggestive that something is actually being done, because there''s a lack of familiarity in not handing someone a piece of paper rather than sending them an email.
But the world is progressing and at Pearl Scan we''re glad about this, as it means a better future both environmentally and for the efficiency of companies everywhere.
The way business handles its documents is being effected in exactly the same way that the newspaper industry currently is, it''s just a slower progress than the internet news boom was, but it is coming and it''s always best to be one step ahead, just like a canny journalist, and see what''s coming before it catches up with you and you find that your company''s efficiency is yesterday''s news.