Company details for:

Advanced Filtration Systems


3 Ordinal Street,
Trafford Park,
Greater Manchester,
M17 1GB,
United Kingdom

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About us

Advanced Filtration Systems are a market leader, delivering cutting edge solutions including air compressor repairs, air filtration, air compressor services & compressed air systems to global manufacturing companies and industries.

AFS strive to deliver the most efficient & effective manufacturing process solutions to the worlds leading brands around the world. Our high standards and proven experience ensure we constantly exceed client expectations.

At AFS we pride ourselves on building strong business partnerships, achieving this, offering the highest standards of technical expertise, advice, professionalism and support.

 AFS are rapidly gaining a reputation for providing a unique combination of customer focused service and advanced product specification.

We are experts at developing specifically engineered compressed air solutions and systems based upon individual customer requirements. 
Advanced Filtration Systems Website

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